I was hired to create a wall mural that showcased some texture and could be used as an interactive space with the clients once their service was completed. This Wall Mural was Painted using a stencil Decal and interior house paint.
Cindy & Julian wanted to welcome their baby son to a room full of creativity letting him know the world is full of possibilities. They wanted a mural that could grow and change over the years and one that would blend with the galaxy and rocket-themed decals they purchased.
Art Direction: Cindy & Julian A.
Illustration: Keshna Donia
This series of Snowy Creatures is the result of a personal experiment with watercolor and white ink. I created it after New Jersey was impacted over and over again with tons of snow this past winter season (December 2020).
These Illustrations were then repurposed and sent out to my past clients in a set of three as postcards thanking them for working with me.
London’s Covent Garden a watercolor Illustration inspired by my late travel to London in March 2020
Fusce erat est, consequat et sem et, posuere commodo tellus. Fusce ut sem vel ex feugiat vehicula. Fusce accumsan nisi eu velit euismod tincidunt. Mauris posuere risus et elementum laoreet. Sed erat velit, aliquam eget rhoncus eget, tincidunt ut nisi.
Who doesn’t love ice cream? This was done in collaboration with Food Photographer Kelly Lockett for National Chocolate Ice Cream Day.
Art Direction: Kelly Lockett, Keshna Donia
Photographer: Kelly Lockett
Be Bold! A personal mantra for Body Builder and Fitness Coach Brittany Inez Rand. This was created as a way of thanks for supporting my missions trip to Haiti in 2017.
My local church organization does out reach, and global annual mission trips. In July 2017 I was able to go to Saint Marc, Haiti. My parents migrated from Desdune and Port au Prince. This was my first time visiting the Island. Each Missionary is required to raise a minimum of 1500 to cover the flight and transportation. Through out the year we create fund raisers, and ask for donations of toys, food, clothing, books - useful resources to send over seas. I used the Go Fund Me platform to raise my funds. I also made a video sharing some of the experience.
A simple reminder to not live only for the weekends and Wednesdays come every week. This was a small self initiated hand lettering project I created and made as a screen saver for Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Hand Lettering quote by Toni Morrison. Created following a Skillshare class taught by Gia Graham.
An old French saying, Fluctuat nec mergitur ("[She] is tossed [by the waves], but does not sink") - Hand lettered onto a board for Tabitha V. A saying she has adopted and lives by.
I was hired to use my skills in hand lettering to illustrate and design a new logo for Robinson Paul Photography.
Art Direction: Keshna Donia
Client: Robinson Paul
Read the full case study here.
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Heaven and Melissa reached out to me to have their wedding invitations custom designed for their big day!
Congratulations to the Bride and Groom!
Creative Direction: Keshna Donia
Custom Milestone Baby Blocks created for Kahlan.
I worked with Evelyn Thompson to create Custom Milestone Baby Blocks to accompany monthly, weekly and yearly photos of her newly born daughter Kahlan. The goal was to create a small set of blocks that contained numbers, the baby’s name and milestones reached. Materials used for this project are: solid bass wood, Acrylic Gesso, and Acrylic Paint.
I created this surface pattern design in Procreate. It was later outsourced to be created as gift wrap paper.
I gave birth to my first child in January 2022, towards the end of the year I finally started to feel more like myself and embrace the journey I’ve embarked from motherhood and the experiences of breast feeding.