I've been on a quest to dive into using the materials I've purchased over the years and one medium I purchased but had no prior experience with was oils. After watching a ton of YouTube videos some of the most reliable brands that came up were Gamblin and Windsor and Newton. Last summer I delved into purchasing the primary colors, as well as a few of my favorites and this summer I invested in an online oil painting class taught on monthly by Daria Callie.
I found this image here in peels. The photographer is ____. I love the lighting here and could see myself in this image. Next was to sand and prime our boards, then outline the drawing. I haven't outlined a drawing like this in ages. But it helped with this proceeds of oil painting.
Next was to make our paint pallet. And compare to our painting if the colors were more red, green more blue, or if it was lighter, darker? Basically almost like color matching.
Here is my pallet not as neat as the instructors but my colors on the right are close to the colors in my painting.
Taking part in this class helped me to take my mind off of personal problems and difficulties in my life and focus on being creative again. I've had a few personal projects I've wanted to do, like paint all of my grandmother's children and gift a portrait painting to my family member who lost both parents within the span of a few years.
My current struggle with this painting is reaching the dip. Not feeling much of an attachment to this painting and seeing a few errors but knowing it's only a practice piece I'm ready to do away with the painting and work on another portrait. Here's what my process has looked like so far :